
Support Our Veterans Through Your Donations

We hope you will join us in supporting Veterans as they raise their voices in song throughout this nation that owes them so much. We reach out to Veterans through our unique programming, but also work to create partnerships between government and other civilian service organizations.

Your generous contribution to Heroes’ Voices helps us touch the lives of Veterans with the gift of music.

$1,000 provides a co-sponsorship of an entire workshop series
$500 sponsors the printing of the song books for a workshop series
$250 provides a new guitar to donate to a veteran
$100 sponsors a veteran for an entire workshop series
$50 sponsors a veteran in a workshop or class
$25 provides strings and electronic tuner for a donated guitar
Any amount you care to give helps us bring the gift of music to veterans

Heroes’ Voices is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, and your contribution is tax deductible as permitted by law, EIN 46-2822708