
Thank you for the support in my dreams

I just got my guitar today from Gryphon Stringed Instruments. Thanks Rick for the support in my dreams. It wouldn’t have been possible without Heroes’ Voices.

Friends and family pay attention to heroesvoices.org and the Democrat Press blog. I will be in the news and article about PTSD and music therapy, and I was the first combat veteran at Menlo Park to receive a guitar for music therapy donated by Richard at Gryphon Stringed Instruments.

Anthony William Jordan

Received With Warmth

The poetry that I read was received with warmth and enthusiasm. I was so welcomed and encouraged it enabled me to overcome my insecurities about reading my poetry. It was such a good experience, a catharsis, a feeling of being accepted. I am grateful for Heroes Voices. They do a great job and put on a great workshop. I plan on going to all the workshops here. The singers were awesome! Thank you so much.

Rodney Widenhouse

The keel of my ship

Heroes’ Voices has always provided me with positive support and encouragement. Now music and poetry have become a tremendous asset on my path, and Heroes’ Voices has been the keel on my ship of creativity. I appreciate all that Heroes’ Voices has offered me, and to countless other veterans hoping to better their lives.

Robert Kaplan

Thank you for the guitar lessons

Thank you for the inspiring, motivating guitar lessons with Larry Chung at the VA. His prompt and caring instructions have helped me to achieve a satisfactory composure of my willingness to play guitar. Music is a wonderful therapy. I occupy myself by playing my guitar in an effective way to produce a calm mental state of tranquility. There is still a glimmer of hope. Thank you again.

Valente V. Carrasco

Now I have an outlet…

I was very depressed and angry before I started the Guitar Corp program. Now I have an outlet to channel these feelings. These people have made my stay at the Homeless Veterans Rehabilitation Program (HVRP) a joy. I look forward to seeing all of them as often as possible.

I have also received a free guitar, which I play daily. I don’t think there is anything more or less that these people could possibly do. I will never forget all the time, love, and kindness these people have shown me. Long live rock!

PS: Larry is awesome – his enthusiasm, dedication to Veterans and utter kindness to me has been an inspiration to me as a person and a musician.

Lorne “Lucky” McKendry

Thanking everyone for Heroes’ Voices Guitar Corps

I can’t thank everyone enough for the time and effort everyone has put into Heroes’ Voices’ Guitar Corps. In my time of despair it was nice to have a little fun and get away from the program I’m in and learn to play the guitar. I also was able to get a free guitar and I would like to thank Gryphon Stringed Instruments who donated the guitars to us vets, we so appreciate it!

Bless you!!

Rick Cordiero

A Sense of Comradery

The Heroes’ Voices sessions helped build a sense of comradery and community in my life that has been missing.

Iraq Veteran

Joy and community

Heroes’ Voices began doing regular music workshops with our veteran inmates for this last year, and it has made a significantly positive impact on the veterans.

The music sessions create a sense of joy and community that is a welcome experience in the Country Jail, and the veterans eagerly look forward to attending each session.

The mood and spirit of every veteran participant is lifted by participating in Heroes’ Voices workshops.

Ron Perez, Intake Coordinator, COVER
San Francisco Sheriff's Department in cooperation with Swords to Plowshares

Grateful for Heroes’ Voices

The poetry that I read was received with warmth and enthusiasm. I was so welcomed and encouraged it enabled me to overcome my insecurities about reading my poetry. It was such a good experience, a catharsis, a feeling of being accepted. I am grateful for Heroes Voices. They do a great job and put on a great workshop. I plan on going to all the workshops here. The singers were awesome! Thank you so much.

Rodney Widenhouse

Uplifting Presentations

Heroes’ Voices presents uplifting presentations, and I look forward all week to being here.

Afghanistan Veteran

Keep it Coming!

Heroes’ Voices workshops were great therapy and wonderful for my recovery.  Thanks so much and please keep it coming!

Army Veteran
VA Menlo Park

Breaking down barriers

Rick from Heroes’ Voices has been coming to lead music groups in our inpatient mental health unit weekly for the past year and it’s been a delight working with him!

Veterans have brought up his group in our focus group several times as one of the best things we’re doing in the unit.

I have personally watched veterans who are depressed and speak very minimally and don’t participate in other groups in the unit, come to the group and burst into song.

In between songs and after the group, it’s great to see them chatting with other veterans. Music is so powerful in breaking down barrier

Heather McCormick, RN-BC
Inpatient Coordinator, Acute Recovery Center , San Francisco VA Medical Center


Heroes’ Voices has been doing regular music workshops with our veterans that have mental health issues at hospital and community integration sites. 

Heroes Voices has been especially effective for our Veterans with mental health issues, helping them to increase their coping and their sense of community, as well as gaining or re-gaining increased functioning in important life roles.  

A greater ability to appreciate and take part in creating music has meant that not only do they have a sense of mastery lacking for many in their lives, but Veterans have also been able to generalize this skill to other life roles, improving in their ability to interact with family, friends, employers and others.

Dan Evenhouse, LCSW, CPRP
Director of Community Based Services, Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center, San Francisco VA Medical Center

It Brings me Inspiration

I love coming here.  I find it cathartic and it brings me inspiration.

Iraq Veteran

The Opportunity to Break Free

I enjoy these workshops because they give me the opportunity to break free of my shackles and wonder freely as an open soul.

Robert Papineau
Army Veteran

I’m Incredibly Proud

There are many reasons why I’m incredibly proud to be singing with my hometown opera to open their season, but one very special reason is to share the stage with the fabulous chorus here, one of whom is a Marine who served a tour in Iraq, Richard Gibson. He is very active in a group called Heroes’ Voices, which employs music in the healing process upon their return from the front lines. – Please consider making a donation of time, money, or intent to Heroes’ Voices.

Joyce DiDonato
International Opera Singer


This was a wonderfull chance to express feelings that wouldnt had been shared. Good Crowd !! fun time for everyone that was present. it will remain as a highlight in my life. poetry has always been a gift for me, and to hear alot of positive feedback was the icing on the cake. Thanks to all the organizers who brought this to Menlo Park !!!! hopefully one day i will be able to publish my poems GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU .

Mark Cooley

Enjoyed the Heroes’ Voices Spring workshop…

“I enjoyed the Heroes’ Voices Spring workshop very much. The environment and music was very exciting and enjoyable. I also enjoy the guitar classes I’m enrolled in very much. I find them relaxing and also very motivating.

Anonymous Veteran

Very Therapeutic

Fantastic! Very therapeutic.  My fellow veterans and I really appreciate everything you guys do.

Afghanistan Veteran

Such Gratitude

Thank you for your great contribution that helps us veterans in our recovery.  We have such gratitude for Heroes’ Voices for helping us to move forward.

Army Veteran
VA Menlo Park