Database Development

Heroes’ Voices is building a database to provide Veterans with information about:
- Existing “Veteran Friendly” vocal ensembles in their communities.
- Information and support available for new Veteran’s ensembles.
- Music Therapy providers in their area.
- Information about local service organizations serving Veterans though music.
- Links to information and news articles about issues regarding Veterans and music.
Veterans Serving Veterans

Many Veterans are looking for way to reach out and support to fellow Veterans in their communities. Heroes’ Voices facilitates Veterans ensembles performing for fellow Veterans in local venues such as hospitals, VA and VFW centers.
Music Therapy

Heroes’ Voices is a reliable resource for Veterans seeking Music Therapy practitioners, and resources such as the latest scientific research data on the power of music as a therapeutic tool. Heroes’ Voices reaches out across the nation to organizations that provide Music Therapy to coordinate and consolidate resources and information. It is our long term goal to provide direct financial assistance to practitioners and organizations specializing in researching and providing Music Therapy to Veterans.
Social Media

Heroes’ Voices uses social media, the VA, VFW, and other local, regional and national service organizations to connect Veterans with musical organizations in their communities. Our goal is not only to provide range of programming and information that helps Veterans raise their voices in song, but also to help create a national consciousness about Veterans’ issues, and how music can touch the lives of Veterans, their families and their community.
Coordination and Cooperation in Services

There are local and regional service organizations scattered across the country that serve Veterans through music. There are choral ensembles and bands, workshops providing lessons and instruments to Vets, VA and civilian music therapy providers, and many other groups and individuals involved in this important work. Heroes’ Voices is devoted to creating cooperative relationships on a national level with these many vital organizations, to share perspectives, resources and strategies. We acre committed to providing significant value to Veterans, while raising the public’s awareness and support for the important work of serving Veterans through music.